"Bringers of the Dawn"

written circa 2002 after a rather long conversation with an interesting woman who came into the cafe where I worked.

The lady has found her center,
and in my midwestern dreams
I search for inspiration
to write about it

the lady has found her center
deep within the never burning fire
underneath the water
her drowning body is at peace.

the lady at the table
she's the one who found her center
laughing, from the chara of her
from her rainbow book of answers

the lady in the cafe found her center
she whispers secret biddings
of a coming age
her stories loud and lavish,
her words each days and days.

the lady opened up and found the heavens
though loneliness and fire
she reached god.
she talks of powers great,
frequency to hate,
mind numbing discipline and want.

the lady found her center
she shares it with the world.
her craziness not quite committed
competent in every word.

the lady has found her center
this lady hit her head
danced naked through the fire
saw her body, she was dead.

she's been murdered fifty times or more
she's been strangled
she's been tried
the lady found her center--
she says she'll never die.

the lady has found her center
she shares these words with me:
"open up your mind to listen"
she wants me to believe.

the lady that found her center
isn't talking on the phone
isn't sitting anymore
her stories now have gone
with her to the universal shore
and on the rocks
she rides them
and in the hiding
she allows
she's been transcended
here to tell us
to tell us,
tell us how.

the lady found her center
that is fine with me
the lady found her center
we'll go our separate ways.
