HP poetry


Get angry
Get loud, and sullen,
But don’t ever ignore me
My ego can’t take it.
Be upset and annoyed
Even be uncomfortable
But don’t ever
Leave me.
I see your heart
I see it
And all of you that goes along
My God!
You are beautiful.
I see inside the deep parts of you
You hate that.
Get used to it.
I promise I’ll never hurt you
I don’t have any opportunities to
Even if I wanted to
God!  I love you!
Love me,
I would sing so many new songs if you did.
How will I ever know?
I know.
You do.
You can’t say it
That’s okay
Get mad,
Get upset
Blame me,
Hit me,
Pull me one direction then the next
I’ll follow.
I’ll follow…
Because, I know,
One day,
You won’t fight it anymore
One day
You’ll quit telling yourself lies
One day
You’ll look at me
And me
And only me…
And on that day
I won’t tell you
‘I told ya so’
I’ll just receive your touch
Breathe it in
As a fulfillment
Of all I’ve ever wanted
Allow you to pull me close
And give you a kiss.
Just wait…

Two Worlds

I get pulled in two directions
One world and the next
This life and the after
This heart and the body
I see it all before me
Was this something I began? Or something that was set from the beginning?
You know, that time when none of us yet were.
That place where we’ve never been
That quiet time where God was with his thoughts
Dreaming us up
And all of our desires and problems
Finding solutions?
I wonder, often to myself,
Am I your solution,
Or are you mine?
Am I your problem,
Or are you mine?
What disagreeable questions to pose when there is pie to eat
And wine to drink
And poetry to read and imbibe.
There is a darkness to the stillness
And a light to the madness
And I am not sure which one I belong to

Two worlds
I am subject to both
My laws and my desires
The world and God almighty
Who condemns and who casts thought to ordinance?
I love
That is all I can say.
I am a lover
A lover of many
But greatest of all,

 My Politics

Thump, thump,
Beat, beat, beat…
Sing for me.
Bop your head.
Swing it… for me.
Let’s dance.
I want the world to dance with me.
Can’t we all?

Let’s put away the bombs… just for the night… and sing instead.
Let’s take away the mantras… just for the night… and dance instead…
Let’s cast aside our fighting… just for the night… and drink to each other instead.
Are we really all so different?
I breath—you breath.
I walk, so do you.
I talk, I hear something coming from your voice.
I love, I leave, I hurt, I cry…
I know you do.
I am not that special.
Beat, bop, swing, sing….
Drink, think, pop, drop…

I once used to dance on tables.  I was quite good at dancing on tables.  It’s easy to do, you just have to stand there and have fun… breathe in the people… breathe in the night…
You know that night fog and stillness, when the crisp fall air hits your breath and you clutch your coat to your chest and clench elbows with a friend?  Have you ever done that?  While walking from a bar to the train going home, or from your house to the car across the prairie?  Or from your life to mine?

Let’s put away the red and blue… just for the night… and dance on tables…
Let’s dance on tables together… I promise, it’s not a sin.  It’s just a dance.
Tis a gift to be simple…
And I am, are you?
Let’s put all that complex aside… just for the night… and LIVE... together…

Madness of the Grape

Is destiny on my side?
I can see my whole life in a glass of wine. 
It sits there ready to intoxicate me in my past and future,
And for the present
Why, that’s a gift.
Do I have to paint myself
For you to see me?
I come from a long line of painters
We hide well.
We hide behind our madness
We hide inside our bibles.
The bible gives many places to hide, did you know that?
I’m sure you just saw it as a tool
But it’s not, it’s a forest… alive… filled with the most magical creatures…
It’s where the wild things are…

My red wine is my day laborer. 
Would you miss me if I left forever?
I tell God that I hope so.
You intoxicate me.
Every time…
Every time…
I will be driven to madness one day
Perhaps today is that day.
You will drive me there in your small car
Your small car with no air conditioning
That you don’t know how to drive.
How can you grow up in L.A. and not know how to drive?
You’re the worst driver I’ve ever known.
I love you.
I’d die in your car crash.
I’m pretty sure I already have.

Two Roads:

two roads diverged in a north wood
and sorry we could not travel both and 
stay together
long we stood and looked down one as 
far as we could until it bent in the undergrowth
you took it
yet I took the other
being just as fair and having perhaps the better claim
for it was grassy
and wanted wear
though, as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same.

And both, that morning equally lay in leaves our feet had not trodden!
Oh! We had said we would come together again,
another day, and pick the fresher road together...
yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if we should ever rejoin again.
We paused briefly before parting
and I felt lighter as my hand dropped to my side
not to be encleched to yours any longer.

I shall be telling this story with a sigh somewhere 
ages and ages hence
two roads diverged in a wood
and I, I walked on alone
and that has made all the difference.
